Friday, March 14, 2014

""" Philippines """ DXN SUCCESS STORIES

Nestor and Sylvia Ymbong 

Stay focus, never stop learning and always attend training

Some time in December 2000, while Nestor Ymbong was on his way to Cagayan de Oro to deliver firecrackers, his friend, Crown Diamond Jose Tan, had the opportunity to introduce DXN to him, sharing a lot about the benefits of Lingzhi Coffee to one's health.

As a gesture of respect, Nestor signed up with him without thinking that such act would spark an argument with Sylvia, his wife, for the reason that he spent P800 without her consent. Sylvia was sceptical at first, for it was the first time she heard about DXN.

At that time, the couple - had decent jobs that commanded respect from others - Nestor was a broadcaster for 20 years and Sylvia was a manager of a security agency. However, their income was insufficient for their growing family needs.

To earn some more money, the couple thought it was wise to go into some part-time businesses. They did so but failed in the process.

It was in January 23, 2001, during a Trainers´ Training conducted by CD Lulu Santos in Cebu, when they had the chance to see the great opportunity that DXN offered to its members. Right after Sylvia gave birth to their youngest daughter, the couple put in all their effort into DXN business, doing it "the way it should be done".

In just seven months, they were promoted to Star Diamond. Nestor noted that the achievement was due to the results of the amazing effects of the products to the people whom they had shared with .

When the bonus cheques that the couple received every month reached eight to 10 times more than what they used to earn from their regular jobs, they committed themselves full-time in DXN.

Despite the fact that Nestor and Sylvia still encounter a lot of rejections from close relatives and friends until today, they never look at that as a problem but rather an opportunity or challenge to work diligently to achieve their goals.

On the other hand, it is also an inspiration for them to see their lines grow and their downliners achieve their dreams too. With this, they wanted to share a sort of "survival kit" which had helped them to overcome past challenges and achieved the status of a Crown Diamond.

They said, "Set your heart right. Have the right attitude. Always stay on the right track. Focus, focus, and FOCUS."

Nestor and Sylvia are very grateful to the Lord for DXN, which they consider as a special gift to their family and also to Dato´ Dr. Lim Siow Jin for sharing the gift of health and wealth.

"There has never been a better time in our lives than today, and there´s never been a better opportunity than the one offers by DXN. Congratulations to all of you who are part of this company. Our aspiration is that one day, you too, will all become Crown Diamonds and join us in reaping the truly fantastic rewards of life in DXN," they concluded.

Noel and Emma Coronel 

Stay focus, never stop learning and always attend training

The life story of Noel and Emma Coronel is truly one of the most touching ones. As they describe it, they were practically living their lives the one-scratch-one-meal way until they found good health and financial freedom through the generous marketing plan of DXN.

Noel used to be a stock-man. He also ventured into selling sinangagmatamis na bao, and even tried door-to-door VHS selling while Emma was a factory worker - sewing bags.

Life was pretty tough back then. There was one point that Noel even attempted to sell his blood just to get P200 in return, though he was rejected because he was not a regular donor.

That was until Carmelita Mangaya introduced Noel and Emma to DXN. From the start, the couple saw the potentials of committing themselves to this business, and that was why they immediately devoted their time to it.

Noel and Emma related that at first, however, it was not easy, “It was difficult at first. Some are cynical and even relatives do not believe.”

With their commitment, dedication and perseverance, it did not take long before they started to reap the fruits of their labour. In the first month, they received P4,000, twice as much as what Emma was receiving from her work in the factory. That really helped them to believe in the business.

Their earnings hiked up rapidly the following months. They managed to buy a house and a car. Soon afterwards, they reached the Crown Diamond status. The couple noted that “Since 1995, when we got married we can’t even afford to buy a sala set,” but while in DXN they managed to buy more than that.

Noel and Emma's advice to aspiring-distributors, “Don't stop dreaming to the point that you also need to strive hard and do something. Stay focus, never stop learning and always attend trainings. That is the cross you need to carry. And later on such cross will be your bridge to success.”

“When you know what you are doing and you are on the right direction, right company, there is no impossible, you’ll become successful. What is the right company? For us, it’s none other than our beloved DXN International,” they noted.

Stax and Jill Savellano 

Everyone has a chance to succeed as long as you dont quit!

Fairy tales still exist

A positive outlook and the right attitude made it possible for Stax and Jill Savellano to live a fairy tale-like life story. Even though Stax was born in a poor family, he never looked at it as a reason for him to be a failure. Instead, his unfortunate background motivated him to dream big and struggle hard to be successful in all his endeavours.

Having his fair share of trials and challenges, including the death of his beloved mother, which ingrained the pain of losing a loved one for the mere reason that they did not have money to pay for medical expenses. Stax at that time determined to remodel himself to be a dreamer, believer and survivor.

From academe to work, he garnered awards after awards - receiving them regularly had been a natural thing for him. His positive view in life paved the way for him to eventually become a field sales manager in a top pharmaceutical firm in the country.

The same positive attitude that he developed from his experiences and hardships have also been his valuable tool when he ventured into DXN.

Crown Diamond Osler Sto. Tomas was instrumental in Stax’s involvement with DXN. It was early in the year 2000 when he introduced DXN to Stax.

During that time, there were not so many service centers with plenty of stocks. “We were talking with our prospects by smelling the empty sachet of Lingzhi Coffee. Our presentation materials were photocopied manuals and product literature,” he said, adding that they were already Star Rubies when they received their sales kits.

Ever wonder how did they survive with practically nothing? Stax shared that they told themselves “This is not something that we felt bad about”. They reacted positively on the situation, avoided to look for convenient blames and never resorted on complains. For the reason that, should they do so, “negative energies will be transferred to my network and eventually, we will have a network of negative and complaining distributors”, he noted.

Eight months before his 35th birthday, on October 10, 2004, Stax resigned from his job as a field sales manager, 30 years earlier than the normal retirement age. For him, the reason was simply because, “I was able to dramatically improve the quality of my life through DXN, faster than I thought possible, and I have achieved an authentic balance between my family and professional time,” he said.

Indeed, in this information age, where computers and terrorism are ways of life, fairy tales still exist.

Eric and Tess Dumlao 

Everyone has a chance to succeed as long as you don´t quit!

Finally, I made it to the top. After five years, I am now a CROWN DIAMOND. I’m also the proud owner of three luxury-imported cars — Toyota Revo GLX, Revo VX 200 and Hilux 4x4. I give thanks and glory to God Almighty for all these blessings that I had received thru DXN. My thanks and appreciation to all my partners Star Diamonds, Star Pearls, Star Rubies, Star Agents and Distributors, for they are part of this achievement; to the whole Management and Staff of DXN Philippines for their unwavering support.

After eleven months with DXN, I achieved the Star Diamond position, and I was recognized as a Triple Diamond because I already have three direct SD distributors under me. And now after more than four years as TD, I finally achieved the highest position here in DXN as Crown Diamond.

During my fifth month, I already experienced some discouragement. Three of my downlines are already SD, while I was just a Star Ruby. There were more discouraging situations, I wanted to quit thinking that DXN business was not for me. However, after some soul searching and intensive analysis, I realised that DXN has the perfect combination of the right products and a realistic marketing plan. Later on, I was able to grasp Dato’ Dr. Lim’s vision and desire to share the wonderful benefits of Ganoderma Lucidum to the world.

After six months of hard work, I was blessed by the Lord our God and achieved the SD position and received financial freedom. Because of this, I joined Dato’ Dr. Lim’s mission (to me is a divine mission). That is why I have devoted most of my time in researching and sharing with people the goodness of DXN products by conducting Ganotherapy and Health Sessions weekly. I focus on them, because I know it is the will of God to help people to attain good health and good wealth as He has promised in Jeremiah 29: 11, “for I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. This good life is a promise from the Lord. I feel so blessed that through DXN, I am now an instrument in helping people experience this promise. It gives me a sense of fulfillment which I think what Dato’ Dr. Lim also feels. True to our God’s promise, I also received physical blessing with my own consumption of the products. Though I am already 62 years old, I feel like I am only 27.

I want to encourage everyone not to be disheartened or to quit your DXN business. Even if you feel that nothing is happening to your after all your hard work, just press on. Sometimes when we think that the stone we have is of no value, we would be surprised that as we keep on rubbing it, slowly you would see how radiant, how beautiful that diamond had become. Just like Winston Churchill, his tutors gave up in teaching him because he is a slow learner, yet he became one of the greatest leaders in the world.

Here in DXN, there are no slow learners only late bloomers, there is no such thing as lack of education, but a heart full of dreams, there are no amateurs, but those who are willing to learn the business. Everything here is fair and it is for everyone. EVERYONE HAS A CHANCE TO SUCCEED AS LONG AS YOU DON’T QUIT! Just keep on doing the business, and you will definitely be successful!

Manny and Blessy Tandingan 

Epitome of Perseverance

After years of struggling with several direct-selling businesses in the past, Crown Diamonds (CD) Manny and Blessy Tandingan finally found health and financial freedom with DXN. Fueled by their strong partnership and will to succeed, the couple’s perseverance not only proved themselves as better network leaders, but also shared DXN’s potential to change lives.

The sweet taste of success didn’t come easily for CD Manny and Blessy Tandingan. The husband and wife tandem used to work as Division Sales Managers for a book company, at the same time flipping the pages of their fate of happy endings. Sadly, their optimistic ventures were always hindered by bitter defeats – a challenge, they say, that never put them down in the battle of life.

So it came as no surprise that in a short period of seven years, they are already at par with DXN pioneers and leaders who received the same title. Here, hours prior to the Regional Sales Assembly on March 2008 in Dagupan City, Pangasinan, CD Manny was seen rehearsing with the program’s hosts, bestowing the wisdom of “practice makes perfect.”

Sa buhay, siyempre kailangan lahat ng gagawin natin ay may pagpupursigi, (Whatever we do in life needs perseverance)” CD Manny says. This ideal of dedication and hard work, he says, is precisely a force he and his family cling into.

CD Blessy revealed that even though they worked hard for a chance of a good life, good life seemed far from reality then. “Manny and I used to do several direct-selling businesses to provide for our four children,” CD Blessy says, “but during those days, we encountered a lot of traumatic experiences with some unscrupulous business partners.”
"Genuine concern and sincerity towards others are the best attitudes we must develop as leaders in this field."

Times are harder to bear, she says, that’s why they both strived to “augment their income and recover past losses in the different ventures” they went for. “In spite of it, we never had financial freedom,” CD Blessy says. Just so, CD Manny and Blessy were pained with challenges back at home. Their sons Jeb, 10, and Jireh, 3, suffered from Rheumatic Heart Disease and Primary Complex, respectively. Their potentials for life outdoors were limited because of their sensitive condition.

But the promise of health and wealth brought by DXN was not very much appealing to CD Manny the first time. “DXN was introduced to my husband by Executive Senior Crown Diamond (ESCD) Ester Langit in April 2000,” CD Blessy says, “but he just laughed at her, for he couldn’t imagine how anyone could become a millionaire just by selling coffee.”

CD Manny refused to take part in another multi-level marketing company; prompting to warn hiswife to never get into any of them besides the one they’re already in. CD Blessy, on the other hand, tried to hide her DXN venture from her husband. She says she knew DXN would be their ticket of recovery for her ailing sons as well as success in networking business.

“My husband eventually learned of my signing up [to DXN] after three days,” CD Blessy says, “but upon knowing it, he was very furious and upset with me.” To appease her husband, CD Blessy offered to turn away from DXN. She remindedhim that what matters most is their partnership; if they’renotcompletelyinto this new venture together, then she’ll let it go.

However, shocked with the generous marketing and compensation plan in DXN, CD Manny reviewed their potentials if they give it a go in DXN. “Manny surprised me one night by saying he would like to see the DXN kit,” CD Blessy says, “[after that] he could hardly sleep!”

CD Manny and Blessy decided to do DXN full-time in 2001. Crown Ambassador Lilia Bautista, ESCD Langit, Executive Crown Diamonds Jesse and Racquel Corpuz, the late Felisa Lalas, and other business partners and leaders in their group, challenged them to continue to rise up and make DXN their partner for success. It wasn’t that long since they became Star Agents at an impressively two-week’s time; Star Ruby on the third month; a good seven months after that, they lept to being Star Diamonds, to finally able to buy a car and receive their first ever six-digit cheque. They have since enjoyed the pleasure of DXN sponsored trips here and around the world. Most importantly, their sons Jeb and Jireh are both well and given enough DXN products that aid them with their illnesses.

Although immensely criticized and put down by former business partners, CD Manny and Blessy defied the odds and continued to excel in DXN. They both believed that someday they would have their own place in the sun, and DXN is opening the doors for them to realize that.

“We’ve never seen any other MLM company as good as DXN in terms of product efficacy and affordability. At the same time, the compensation package of DXN is so far the best, very pro-distributor,” CD Manny says. CD Blessy agreed that with DXN, it is possible to achieve success with hard work, enthusiasm, and focus in the DXN business. They are also forever thankful to friends and relatives who helped and never doubted their commitment with the company.

Nowadays, they keep themselves busy by spreading the many benefits of doing the DXN business. “We are enjoying a healthy and happy lifestyle because we’re able to discover our leadership potential and capability to help many people,” CD Manny says.

Asked how to keep people in your group, CD Blessy said: “Genuine concern and sincerity towards others are the best attitudes we must develop as leaders in this field. So, friendship and respect for one another should be maintained and nurtured.”

CD Manny and Blessy are a couple who have more than just their love for each other. As partners for life, they continue to grow together. They are quick to note that reaping the fruits of their labor does not warrant a carefree lifestyle altogether. DXN business allows for people to fast-track their success in life, but it also bears the responsibility of developing and sharing that opportunity to others. “Keep on learning, master your craft,” CD Manny says. Keeping the dream aflame in their hearts makes CD Manny and Blessy a true epitome of perseverance: a wonderful milestone in their pursuit of success with DXN.

Elena De Guzman

She is no stranger to multi-level marketing or direct selling business. But CD Elena De Guzman’s knowledge and experience in this industry proved her staying power and success over and over again. She is both a successful businessperson and networker. CD Elena was also one of the first DXN members tapped to be Service Center Director in 2000.

Ascending towards the much-coveted Crown Diamond status, she worked hard to parallel the likes of her successful upline Senior Crown Diamond Eric Dumlao. But the implementation of Simplified Marketing Plan left her discouraged when she has to develop more Diamonds than she could hope for. “Isangdiamond na lang ang kailangan ko para ako’y maging Crown Diamond.Pero dahil nga sa nasa ibang bansa ako noon, hindi naipaliwanag sa akin ang SIMP, (I needed only one Diamond to become a Crown Diamond. But since I was abroad, SIMP wasn’t explained to me)” CD Elena explains.

Despite being rained down and challenged by this, CD Elena emerged more focus and determined to achieve success. She never let an obstacle hinder her pursuit for greater heights in DXN. She worked hard and more importantly with the help of her son, Service Center Director Denims De Guzman, CD Elena climbed back to the top.

Sa DXN nakabili ako ngPajero,isangluxury car. At ang pinambayad ko ngamortization y ang buwanan kong kita sa DXN,” CD Elena shares. The strength of her character and integrity has helped in the establishing her as successful businesswoman.

CD Elena has also proved that to run a business, one needs vision and ability to take risks. Truly, as all endings go, this one has a happy ending too.

Elvira Arquines 

Women Empowerment

As a single parent, Crown Diamond Elvira Arquines knew how hard it is to raise seven kids. She has her hands full as it is. But despite the hurdle, she worked hard knowing that the DXN opportunity can get her successful. And nothing has stopped her fierce entrepreneurial venture in DXN.

CD Elvira was a former teacher before doing DXN business full-time. She worked hard for the welfare of her young kids and has struggled to make ends meet. She cites her determination, focus, and commitment to DXN as her tools for success.

Maraming hadlang noon para hindi ko ituloyang DXN pero naisip kong wala rin naming mangayayari sa buhay ko kung ititigil ko ito, (There were many obstacles before but I thought nothing good will ever come out if I stop doing DXN)” CD Elvira explains. When faced with hardships, the determination to succeed heightens, she says.

Today, as she reached the Crown Diamond status, CD Elvira shares her inspirational story of survival and overcoming defeat. She advises that even though times are tough and unbearable, do not let it stop you from dreaming. “Bigyan niyo lang ng panahon angDXN at bibigyan kayo ng magandang buhay3 to 5 years from now.Kung ang dahilan niyo rin ay wala kayong panahon para gawin angDXN,mas lalo kayong walang magandang buhay3 to 5 years from now, (Give it time and DXN will give you a prosperous life in return)” she says.

Big dreams are not enough to make it in business. Turning dreams into reality takes focus, hard work, and determination. Like CD Elvira Arquines, success is within reach, especially when you dream big with DXN.

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