Friday, March 14, 2014

""" Indonesia """ DXN SUCCESS STORIES

Budiman Salim 

19 Years of MLM Experience. 10 Years DXN MLM Experience.

I was indeed lucky because I was able to accept the MLM concept since it was first introduced in 1988. I saw that such effort would open up a new realm of opportunities to change my life at that time, when I was far from luck after the bankruptcy of my parents that hindered the continuation of my studies.

After I saw the presentation given by someone who apparently achieved success in life through MLM businesses, I thought it was not difficult to undertake such MLM effort myself so that I could likewise achieve excellence in life. Nevertheless, when I actually started doing the business it was not as easy as what I heard and perceived earlier. In the beginning, I encountered numerous barriers and refusals, and my progress was impeded by my ignorance of the correct concept and proper procedures involved. Efforts coupled with a relatively small capital in a business obliged me to study whenever possible. I joined most trainings that were provided, during which I was given guidance by more experienced and successful leaders. Yet I found it difficult to put the teaching into practice. I realized that one of the greatest failure in undertaking such MLM efforts was due to our ego. I was hesitant to put down my ego especially when I was trying to introduce the business and products to my family and friends, even though I had a sincere wish to share the opportunity with them.

Discussions with and trainings from other distributors and leaders that have attained brilliant success in their MLM business opened my eyes. I understood that success rooted in one’s will to put down the sense of egotism and persistently sponsor new distributors, use and sell the products, join the trainings and provide training to downlines. There is no alternative way to be successful in any MLM business except those mentioned. The belief that success could only be achieved through hard work and serious commitment was deeply rooted in my mind. I knew I had to persevere in order to bring about positive changes in my life and achieve dreams and aspirations in my heart.

Failure after failure.
From 1988 to 1997, I undertook a few MLM businesses. In those 10 years, my effort and hard work went down the drain. I faced great obstacles and adversities, in particular the instability of the companies, many of which ended up with bankruptcy. All my efforts proved to be futile. The rewards I received did not commensurate with the efforts I put in; the bonus calculation scheme was obscured and complicated; the decline in our status each month rendered maintenance and improvement of our status extremely difficult. These failures however did not discourage me from putting more effort into MLM. The conviction that the MLM business would enable me to improve the quality of my life kept me moving forward in my endeavour.

Success comes from Consistency
In July 1997, I was introduced to DXN. I knew that DXN was a company based in Alor Star, Malaysia that produced series of Ganoderma Lucidum products. I was attracted by DXN because of its One Dragon concept. Its independence of foreign assistance is the key factor that enables it to continuously thrive over a long period. Although DXN at that time was relatively new and small, it already attained the GMP and other quality production standards and certifications from the local government. My conviction increased after I came to learn that Dato’ Dr. Lim Siow Jin is the single owner of DXN.

I started my DXN business in Indonesia since DXN first ventured into the market in September 1997. The products were popular among the DXN distributors in Indonesia due to its high quality and efficacy. After my initial failure in MLM, DXN came into my life and turned my dreams into reality. DXN proved to me and my friends that MLM business, if undertaken seriously and diligently without fear of failure, will reward us with a quality life and unlimited income.

Global Business with One World One Market Concept
The development of DXN gets more impressive from year to year. From a small-scale company, it developed and grew into an international company. Although I did not own an academic degree, I had the opportunity to develop DXN in foreign countries, which is an unforgettable experience for me. I stayed in many countries for months or even years, namely Thailand, Philippines, Australia, America and Canada, to expand the DXN network. The One World, One Market concept is truly praiseworthy. Such wonderful concept from Dato' Dr. Lim Siow Jin does not only expand the territory of DXN but also provides opportunities to DXN distributors from any country to expand their business all over the world. Such global business concept enables us to form the network through all the countries in which DXN exists. At the moment there are 88 countries in which DXN has set its footstep. It is our goal to reach out to 150 countries by year 2020.

The global business concept, One World, One Market creates an unlimited network that enables any distributor to receive the product from a country that he might not even have visited before. The calculation of the monthly transaction is the combination of all activities around world. A concept that was launched in 1993 was the concept of Calculation without Limit, which is one of the most unique concepts in the world. When I first introduced this Global Business concept in America in 2002, some American distributors were pleasantly surprised; they could not believe that such wonderful calculation without limit system was put into practice.

Mind Set & Negative Thought to MLM effort.
Till now, I have seen numerous testimonies of people who became rich via MLM businesses. Such people are those who are open-minded and willing to learn the concept, create and expand the network. They can “retire” at a relatively young age and continue to be rewarded for the foundation they established earlier. With the strength of the network, their revenue is very stable and they continue to receive a stable income.

I regret the fact that many people still perceive MLM on a superficial level — many still think that MLM is meant for housewives and the unemployed, whose main work is to be a salesperson and sell the products.

19 Years of MLM Experience. 10 Years DXN MLM Experience.
My 19 years of experience in MLM — from 1988 till now — helped me to conclude that MLM can help us to realise all our dreams that are impossible if we only toil in our normal activities, such as, working in an office or doing conventional activities. Through the ten years doing DXN business in Indonesia and travelling abroad, I had the opportunities to meet with tens of thousands of DXN distributors from various professions—from professors, doctors, young professionals, teachers, blue-collar workers to housewives—who materialised their dreams and aspirations. They used to lead an ordinary life; yet they eventually managed to buy houses, cars, and send their children overseas and travel around the world. Professionals could free themselves from the monotonous daily routines. Through DXN, they are able to undertake network business in a relaxing and pressure-free manner. They enjoy the luxury of time and freedom. Seeing such people and listening to their stories caused me to be even more inspired by this MLM business.

Open Your Mind
As a note of encouragement: for those who have not yet attained success in DXN business, do not be discouraged. DXN indeed has a global business concept that is extraordinary. This couples with its proven quality products, our success in this business simply depends on our hard work and perseverance in developing our network.

Remember that failure is a postponed success. All distributors have an equal opportunity for success. The outcomes depend entirely on each individual's effort invested in expanding his/her network. I would also like to encourage our fellow friends who do not yet truly understand or trust the MLM business to open your mind and try to understand why MLM business is able to generate numerous young millionaires.

Welcome to the DXN MLM Global Business! The Opportunity for Success is Awaiting. Grasp it!

Drs. H. Amrullah-Hj. Ariyati,SH 

“To have a clear goal, to work hard, to be meticulous and self-disciplined, to be willing to learn and always think positive”

Praises to our Almighty God for we have successfully achieved the Crown Diamond status. Both of us are grateful for doing DXN MLM business, that we consider this as the highest blessing in both our lives right now. It has given us personal health, family and overall well being. We realized that success is not just getting what we want but a success is measured by how much we have helped others to get what they want. In our opinion, although this is not a very big business, it is not easy to run. The key to our success that helps us to achieve the Crown Diamond is “To have a clear goal, work hard, be careful, discipline, willing to learn and always have a positive attitude.”

In achieving what we want, it is advisable to have our own clear goals. If we follow the person in front of us, then, we will only reap the same as he does. We must dare to dream to live better than we are now, because of our confidence, the dream will come true. However, we must be reminded that we have a lot to learn in order to achieve that dream. We used to dream how to achieve the Crown Diamond status, now we have achieved it. There are two principles we strongly follow in Building our effort:
  1. Never be intimated by people who are Smarter than you, as you Can win them by working Hard.
  2. Profits will come to those who are not Afraid to work hard and smart.
In the beginning, we were just ordinary people, but we had extra ordinary dream. We had the determination and confidence to achieve that dream and so, we achieved it. If we can, you can do the same too, as we were like you in the beginning.

Why must we be satisfied with an ordinary life, if there is a better life for us, then we have as much right to live it too. At this moment, success is really wonderful, like a mountain climber, the higher he climbs, the more beautiful the scenery is. It is the same when one reaches the Mountain Peak of DXN, then, we are able to see and enjoy the wonderful cultures and colours of other countries such as those offered to VVIP. Besides that, there are various honours given to us, some rather innovative too. We have also found friendships with other partners who gave us more value in this business. On the route to success, we have faced much hardship. However, as we dared to face these hardships, they are now pearls to us and people around us.

All these successes are not incidental, they are in fact, a blessing from God who has given us a chance to meet with Crown Diamond Arikusuma Wibisono who had introduced us to this potential. Then there are other successful pointers such as Crown Diamond Darius Teguh Kristanto and Crown Diamond Tony Sugianto. Everything becomes complete with the help and encouragement from our business partners, the network system and DXN International, headed by Dato’ Dr. Lim Siow Jin.

From a message by a very special person, SA Alwis Ghani who had given us some pointers in our successes, now is the time to thank everyone from the deep of our hearts. As we cannot thank all who have been such great inspiration to us, we have proven that we too are able to be successful like them. We hope our success will give you some inspiration, motivation and desire for you to achieve your ambition. Weave your future now into a legend in the history of mankind.

“Once DXN! Always DXN!”

Ferry Suhandoko 

I have enjoyed a good health and well being, as well as the freedom of time and money

My upstart in DXN Indonesia was around August 1997 through a friend, Boy Premana. He asked me to join him in DXN, which according to him would gain a handsome profit in a relatively short time and have a chance to travel around the world. As I observed the products and learnt about its marketing plan, I had the deep confident that I would be rather successful in this DXN business.

With my wide experience in property, restaurant and timber industries, I have a lot of acquaintances in and outside the country and have been maintaining a good relationship with them. I maximised this advantage and started to expand my network in Surabaya, my hometown. Then I expanded to most of the cities in Indonesia and overseas.

For the first month, the people I recruited were mostly some nutritionists, international health consultants and members of the holistic medicine. Dr. Husen Ahmad, PhD., a well-known herbalist in West Java, bought a large amount of RG-GL products, which put him in the Star Diamond level. I was his upline, so I was also promoted to the Star Agent in just 1 month with a bonus of 4 million Rupiah.

Prof. Dr. F. G. a government nutritionist with an international status, had an interesting observation about Ganoderma products which were to be launched into the market.

The Congress of Acupunctures of East Java with its hundreds of members were also involved in making DXN a success in Surabaya and other cities. Through these potential distributors, I could expand my network.

The economic crisis of 1998 in Indonesia had damaged the national economic mechanisms and caused the downfall of many companies and businesses, including MLMs. However, this was not a bad news for DXN Indonesia. It was a chance for the business to grab the market. DXN proved itself by surviving the crisis and soon it became the leader of all MLMs. That was indeed a miracle.

I also had many potential downlines, from the PHK writers to young bankrupt entrepreneurs. They were very serious in expanding their DXN network and the bonuses they received were more than enough for their own expenses.

In January 1999, after I achieved my Crown Diamond status, I started my international network. I first recruited a Filipino from the Philippines. From there, the network grew fast and strong, that DXN International in Malaysia decided to open a branch office in the Philippines in November 1999.

In accordance with that, my group expanded to Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Brunei, Nepal, Cyprus, India, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Canada, Egypt, and a few states in the United States of America. Now, I am enjoying the profit sharing from these countries.

In December 2006, I joined the Performance Tour with 80 other internationals who were qualified to China. 90% of the qualifiers were my downlines from the Philippines. I was so happy with the reunion, seminars, discussions and sharing with them. Some of these partners are now millionaires with an income of US$10,000 to US$30,000, which I think, is rather amazing!

For those of you who want to achieve success in this business, you may have to pay attention to these tips :
  1. Understand the prospect´s character, capability and his relationship with others well, as every human is different.
  2. Use your time to mix with others, to build up good relationship with different people and to take heed of your communication with others so that your recruitment process would be easy and always growing.
  3. Build trust in others when you put them first.
  4. Be committed and loyal to everything you have done.
  5. Master your product knowledge and marketing plan as well as you can.
  6. Know the development of the MLM business, from the view of the legal system, culture and welfare of the country you intended to expand to.
  7. Pray for guidance from God Almighty.
Now, I own a comfortable house, a few hectares of land for vegetation, a collection of export quality bonsai plants, and other properties that I am proud of. I am an enjoying a better life now.

I have enjoyed a good health and well being, as well as the freedom of time and money. That is why I am grateful to God Almighty for all His blessings so that DXN International can enjoy them too.

Thank you, DXN.



I would like to take this opportunity to thank my direct upline Mrs. SULIA WIJAYA and my greatest upline Mr. BUDIMAN SALIM for bringing us into DXN, the World of Health, Wealth and Life Style and special thanks go to my beloved wife and my family for without their support I could never have achieved so much.

Prior to my enrollment as a DXN MEMBER, I managed my own traditional business for 19 years. Although I was considered as well-to-do, I faced a lot of risk, obstacles and challenges. My life was full of fear and I was very unhappy because my future was unclear.

In DXN I had learned about the truth of life, to be appreciative, determined and aggressive in life and I saw how people used the power of network duplication to change their way of living. DXN had provided us an ideal environment and unlimited opportunity that can bring us hope, happiness, health, beauty and even wealth.

I joined DXN in October 1997, I began learning about the product, consumed it, shared the product and knowledge, diligently adhered to the system, the company and the business concept. After I took some realistic actions, in just eight months, my financial situation improved enabling me to become STAR DIAMOND and eight months later I was promoted to the position of CROWN DIAMOND. I was 50 years old when I bade my traditional business farewell and focused diligently in DXN.

Before, I dream to travel; now with DXN I had visited Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand, Hong Kong, Philippines, Australia, Holland, Germany, Belgium, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Swiss & USA. The vision for SIMP 2005 by the Founder & CEO Dato’ Dr. Lim Siow Jin would give me more opportunities.

I was aiming for the CROWN AMBASSADOR, it requires 20 SD lines, in order to achieve that I must add my direct lines and set my new goal. I am grateful to all of my downlines for their cooperation, support and assistance. In order to succeed we must be strong and determined, unafraid of failure and never admit defeat! Do the right business, follow the right leader!

Believe in it, act on it and you’ll be where you want to be, put all effort in DXN business for next 5 years and enjoy your fantastic passive income! See you at the Top!



"If we have been running fast, it is not wise to slow down when our target and motive are near"

Praises to God for His generosity that my family and I are able to enjoy an unusual harvest from the business with DXN Indonesia. Actually, this is only a side business for me to boost our health, yet after some effort, I found myself getting better financially than before. I was formerly a teacher from STLP (Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Pertama) in Medan.

Thank God, after a hard work of 3 months, my income had increased 18 times more than before, which also drove me to achieve the SA status. A month later, I achieved the SR status. Not only I actualized my dream, I have also went through many positive events after I started my business, such as attending motivational trainings, meeting up with people with positive attitudes, going to oversea trips including a free visit to the Ganoderma Farm in Alor Star, Malaysia. Of course, before these, I was driven hard with keen competition so I have to be serious in this business.

There are 3 reasons why I became a member of DXN Indonesia in the first place :
  1. DXN International/Indonesia is a company to be trusted.
  2. DXN has quality products and they benefit the public.
  3. The rebate and profit sharing scheme is equal to the effort given.This couples with a simple and practical marketing plan.
For me, to be involved in this business means “To give all or nothing at all”, and to remember that, “To have happiness in the world and thereafter, we have to gather knowledge”. With these in mind, I adopted a professional attitude while doing my business. Having sponsors from different cities is not a stumbling block at all if we understand the meaning of doing business. I would like to thank my uplines for their support from distant places through letters, faxes and telephone calls. I also like to thank the staff from Medan branch who have been very supportive with what I am doing.

Doing this business is like to help others to become better in the sense of health, and financial. I have gained better health and getting better financially. From the bonus I received for the effort of this business with DXN Indonesia, I was able to do my pilgrimage in Mecca with my wife.

Now I am involved in a support system with DXN named Starnet group, where all activities are planned to motivate the members so that they have the confidence to keep up with their business and are able to achieve the target they want. Many distributors do not really understand how to do good business. Of course there are many tricks and tips to learn, acquire and practice by our members.

My reminder: “If we have been running fast, it is not wise to slow down when our target and motive are near.” Greetings from us at Medan and give in all you have for your future undertakings.

My greetings to all DXN distributors wherever you are, march forward and spread out your network so that you may achieve a better overall.

Tonny Sugianto 

The best investment is the one that benefits the most people and the value will grow from time to time.

When I first heard of DXN in 1997, I was eager to join as a distributor. I found that apart from the good system, the products were also awesome. These two reasons helped to form a model to help the distributors. It was not a surprised to see early in that year, many distributors achieved tremendous results, including me who, in about 8 months, was able to achieve the status of Double Diamond.

All these actually depend on the way we work, starting from the distribution of work between my wife and I to the partners who all have the same version of dream. That was why, right from the start, I built my network with the same working concept, even though with distributors from different locations.

We were very grateful to God for through this business, we have benefitted ourselves and our families, as well as for those who want to work for themselves and for others around them. With this the co-operation network is formed with a few good leaders who are able to build a few levels deep. I always remind my partners not to concentrate only on one network, but to have a few new networks as long-term investments. There should be a need to build up the internal network and to spread out the external network.

To be a self-sufficient entrepreneur in this MLM business, we have to plan and think for the long-term but not to forget our short terms goals. Both of them have to be synchronized and related, so that we would not lose the vision we had when we first stepped in.

When we celebrate an early success, we should also be reminded not to spend all the profits from it, but to invest a portion for the long term. The same goes for the next successes where we should invest a few portions for the future too. There will come a time when we would need to use what we have invested earlier to realise our dreams.

Any entrepreneur or businessman would have to manage his own pension for his golden years. The sum of the pension will depend on how you manage your finance. This also depends on your will and vision for yourself.

Since the beginning of this business, I have determined to help my downlines and partners to become Star Diamond. I hope after that they will become better and productive Diamonds and reaping profits in accordance with the efforts they have poured in. I have been thinking how DXN can gain better image in the eyes of the general public especially in my hometown, Jogjakarta. The name ‘DXN’ should not only be known but most households in Jogjakarta must use the health products. Then I hope to instil good qualities in the distributors through various trainings in accordance with the market trend.

The best investment is the one that benefits the most people and the value will grow from time to time.

My heartfelt thank you to all my partners who have helped and co-operated with me until we are able to reap this profits. I would like to thank my upline and the management of DXN Indonesia, which have been a great source of inspiration and relationship. Once DXN... Always DXN... Always in full spirit ... Good morning!

Stefanus Rivandie 

Slow But Sure

Initially, I joined as an ordinary member when asked by a friend on 18 November 1997 and only became active in January 1998, after I truly understood the benefits of the products and the profit of doing the MLM business. Then I braced myself and got ready for my targets for the next few months.

After I did what I had planned earlier, in February 1998, I received my Star Ruby status and then in September 1998, I received the Star Diamond status. My good performance did not come from my own hard work and effort alone, but through the support of my loving wife, my staff, upline and downlines in Surabaya as well as in other cities and towns in Indonesia. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone.

In the effort of manning this DXN business, I have applied the value of Spreading the Effort which eventually becomes part of the guideline:
  1. Good intention: to help others, not to be bothered with their background, as our aim is to become better overall beings.
  2. Be sincere in this business and do all you can to double your effort. Remember not to be bothered with the lost or profit first, but to take it as a long-term investment.
  3. Lock your target while you are doing your business. You may even spread your network to other areas.
  4. Have confidence that the products you are representing are of good quality and supports the MLM system, where you can say, “the products are good and the system is benefiting”.
In the effort to get my concepts across to my downlines, I always do distance motivation through the telephone. This is to remind my downlines to :
  • Adopt a positive attitude while facing difficulties. So, most difficulties they face can be overcome easily.
  • Be honest while dealing with DXN, if you are involve in any other business other than DXN, it is wise to set aside a portion of your time and effort for each so that it will not disturb your commitment and focus in DXN.
I have always reminded the distributors that the upline has a very important mission; to provide the newest information, presentation materials as well as contribute to new ideas and opinions when they want to form a solid, strong and effective network. Apart from that, I always stress that all activities done in this MLM business should be independent and self-initiated.

While promoting products like RG and GL in Surabaya, especially to my downlines, I have instilled an example from the Philosophy of a Tree. Where the roots, stem and leaves have very good relationship with each other to provide co-operation in the process of food making. The same goes with our body, where all the organs work and complement each other.

When an organ malfunctioned, the other organs have to be checked too so that the general metabolism is not disturbed. To all distributors, I would like to ask you not to be too emotional when you describe about the consumptions. Do not rush as the outcome is more important. Remember....Slow But Sure!

Drs. H. Umar Hasan 

The Success of DXN means it is also your success

He does not even look like an ordinary business owner. However, his performance outshines that of an ordinary business manager. He has an outstanding mind when it comes to making business strategies that until the year 2004, his network has far extended, not only in Indonesia, but also to other foreign countries including Saudi Arabia.

Not only that, the pair of H. Umar Hasan dan Hj. Karlin S. Hasan, with much effort and support from all parties, formed an entrepreneurial school – STIKKI, which has successfully recruited 61 graduates this year, who are now undergoing certain trainings to become the next MLM DXN entrepreneurs. Apart from the activities in Jabotabek, STIKKI has also grown to Medan and the area around it. That was because early in the year of 2005, Starnet and the entrepreneurial courses and seminars would be held in Medan.

Dr. H. Umar Hasan has come a long way since 9 September 1997. Before this, he was considered a black sheep in MLM. He had joined many MLM businesses and to him, DXN is still by far, the best. He took 10 months to achieve the position of a Star Diamond and 18 months later for this Crown Diamond. He waded through many difficulties before he was able to participate in tours to more than 10 countries, took an extended pilgrimage with his wife, bought and built his new house, changed his car 7 times, and bought some agriculture lands around Bogor.

H. Umar Hasan is now in the process of building, protecting and motivating his own partners. He has assimilated different marketing strategies, which he knows can really work out in the real world so that his partners would not be burdened by the wasted efforts. Apart from teaching in his entrepreneurial school, he also uses the concepts of Capitalist, MLM Cooperation, Waralaba and Syariah. The business with DXN is abnormally far-fetched, but there are still many distributors who have not gained much nor benefited maximally from the business itself.

There are 3 types of successes that can be had with MLM DXN :
  1. The success of health making ourselves and others healthier
  2. The success of the herb products and the business on the whole
  3. The success of relationship ties that help to achieve financial success
With these three listed successes we always remind ourselves that the suggested targets can be achieved by oneself, a group or using the strength of a network. The outcome or result will get even better with every effort.

The Success of DXN means it is also your SUCCESS!

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