Friday, March 14, 2014


Laszlo Kocso and Aniko Kocso-Fodor 

A Marketing Professor once told me that if you want to be the best at something, you have to work with the best. 

I started looking for the best ganoderma company on the Internet in the summer of 2008. That was how I found DXN. I immediately decided to travel to Malaysia in order to personally get better acquainted with DXN. 

One of the biggest life changing moments for me was an accidental meeting. Meeting Jane Yau was the greatest and best first impresssion I could ever have of the company as she unselfishly and tirelessly helped me and still helps me today amass a huge amount of knowledge on ganoderma. I consider it a great honour to have her as my sponsor. 

In setting up my DXN business, the Internet and the online business-building model played a key role. Thanks to my 12 years of online marketing specialized knowledge and experience I could provide an online well-functioning MLM business model to my downlines. 

I already knew at the beginning that enthusiasm and setting a good example are the most important elements for success. With enthusiasm based on honest and authentic experience, you are able to have an enduring effect on other people. We are in an easy situation with our DXN business, because DXN's excellent products result in exceptionally fast and spectacular product testimonials, which create the base of reliability and sincere enthusiasm. 

In a MLM business, setting a good example is a very important task for a leader. In a MLM business, the leader has to be like an adviser who helps his downlines reach their goals. It was important for me to be the first in Europe to reach the level of Crown Diamond and within a short period of time. Twenty two months after the opening of the Europe market in 2009, I succeeded in achieving my goal and target by attaining the status of Crown Diamond. 

I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to my spouse, Anikó for her support as I would not have been able to do it without her. The most wonderful soul-mate, mother, who when needed, held down the fort at home when I was doing my business besides actively helping me expand my business. We hope that with our mutual success we can set an example as well as give faith and motivate other families. 

I am obliged to our CEO, Dato' Dr. Lim Siow Jin, that he honoured me with his trust and gave me an opportunity to open the European market. I would also like to thank my partner, István who believed in the vision of an European DXN business with me. I am grateful to my Diamonds and to my future Diamonds, who have worked hard with me to achieve mutual success, which is not just about the business but which is much more than that.'

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