Friday, March 14, 2014

"""Australia & New Zealand """" DXN SUCCESS STORIES

Teena Tolhoek 

First Crown Diamonds in Australia

For twenty years, Teena operated a medium business that involved designing a clothing range, manufacturing, wholesaling and also retailing them through her own shop plus others too. Although it was lots of work, it had proven very successful over many years, but times changed. 

After the influx of cheap clothing from China, the business was sold. Early in 2003, Teena´s job meant travelling many hours to and from the workplace each day. Since much time was spent talking on hand-phones, Teena began to experience regular headaches and feel the strain of the long hours. She was very concerned about her health. 

She was told by a friend in Sydney about Ganoderma as a possible answer to her health concerns. She decided to try it and so purchased a member pack which she registered in her company´s name. After just 10 days, she started to experience more energy, better vision, better sleep and many other benefits, including relief from her headaches. 

Teena told her work colleague, Mr. Chris Morris, what she had learned about Ganoderma, and he became a member too. They began to tell people in their workplace about it, and soon others were reporting astounding results, especially when serious illness was a problem. 

Once they were sure that DXN´s Ganoderma was a reliable product and the demand for it would continue to grow, a decision was made to promote it in a professional manner. Learning the DXN business plan and also studying everything available about how and why Ganoderma works in the body, it was then possible to begin conducting public meetings about it. 

Another decision was made to open a DXN Service Centre to ease members´ access to the products. Australia after all is a wide-spread country. The establishment of a service centre was an immediate success and its business grew so fast that it became the busiest in Australia, winning the DXN award for the "Highest Sales for the Year" after only 5 months. 

Over time, it was necessary to encourage others to open more service centers to satisfy the demand for the products. From the start, Teena worked diligently on the businesses, taking every opportunity to promote Ganoderma and its health benefits and making sure something was achieved everyday, keeping busy training and helping other members to achieve success too. 

Beautiful friendships have been made with members of the network. They brought DXN to New Zealand where Teena´s sister was living at the time. With a lot of promotions and presentations by them all, it led to a good customer base for DXN to begin exporting to NZ. Needing to spend more time in NZ to promote the products, a house was purchased there. Having helped many New Zealanders get started on the track to better health, their DXN businesses went through to the Star Diamond levels. 

As a result of a positive attitude, continual improvement in knowledge plus hard work, success came, by becoming free to travel, with good income and the pleasure of helping others to enjoy good health and a quality life. 

In July 2006, Australia´s First "Crown Diamond" status was achieved, being proudly presented with Crown Diamond Pins by Dr Rathna and Professor Vasupaliah, the First Crown Diamonds of India. In October/November 2006, Teena qualified to attend the First TSI trip to Europe along with many other international qualifiers. Many good friendships were made and it was a wonderful experience had by all. 

Senior Crown Diamond status has since been achieved. 

Thank you Dato´ Dr. Lim and DXN, for providing quality products and a Business platform, so focused people have the best opportunity to build their own strong businesses and take it to any level they desire. 


Chris Morris 

Reaching the level of Crown Diamond brings a great sense of achievement for me on a personal level. Yet that is the least part of it.

Along the way, I have learned so much - about the wondrous workings of the human body and mind; about natural healing;about the great opportunities for travel and income this company can bring you; about the incredibly different cultures on our planet and yet the great similarities between us all; about friendship and sharing; but most of all, about the human need to help friends improve their lives, and about the tragedies that surround us daily in needless disease and suffering that could so readily be overcome with a little education and open-mindedness from the Establishment.

So I see the achievement as a beginning, not an end. From here I will use my knowledge to go on, and do my part in bringing these fantastic products to as many people as I can.

I would love nothing more than to see many of you join me in achieving this level of Crown Diamond.

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