Friday, March 14, 2014


Mr. Purna Bahadur Sunuwar and Mrs. Sabitri Sunuwar 

I am thankful to God for my success.

Due to my various health problems, I learned DXN products and joined the DXN family on 30th May 2002. I am appreciative that I have the wisdom to choose the right products to improve my health and a proper platform to start my business endeavor. With a good start, I strive hard and I got positive result.

After starting my genuine business in DXN, I develop and expand it persistently. With the hard work and determination, I have achieved the 1st Crown Diamond of Nepal. As I always put it, persistence and determination are highly correlated with success. 

DXN provides endless excellent opportunities for those who want to work hard and succeed, especially as a team with sincerity. DXN is not just a business; it is a lifestyle. The God plans everything for us and gives us the authority to succeed and not to fail. I strongly believe that nothing is impossible if we do everything with sincerity.

I would like to express my gratitude to DXN’s founder and CEO, Dato' Dr. Lim Siow Jin. His ultimate discovery of DXN has changed my life and millions of others. I welcome everyone to DXN Family, the world of Health, Wealth and Happiness.

God Bless Everyone.

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