Friday, March 14, 2014


Dr. Rathna Vasupal and Prof. K.N. Vasupalaiah 

Our desire for freedom – be it financial, health, time and security – made us embrace what we consider “a great company” called DXN – about ten years back to fulfill our dreams.

We worked hard to attain such freedom combined with eagerness to learn and succeed. Today, however, we would notice that the corporate world is grappling with one of the most serious challenges to remain profitable and productive.

As founding member of DXN network in India, my wife and I quit our respective professions after attaining the financial freedom and live happily with our children even before my age of retirement. Previously, I worked as Economics Professor while my wife, being a doctor, was managing her own nursing home. Having the financial freedom, we have enough assets in preparation for the future of our children. We can say that we can practically live happy, healthy and peaceful without worrying for any kind of economic catastrophe.

Our passion and ambition, on the other hand, to travel the world can be attained through DXN. This wonderful opportunity that DXN has given for us to see every corner of the world. Since its launch in DXN India in 2000, we have already traveled more than 40 countries. DXN has also proven its world and created no boundaries to reach the people from all over the world thus creating the concept of “One World, One Market”.

With the overwhelming blessings we have, we are forever and truly be grateful to God and Dato’ Dr. Lim Siow Jin, DXN’s Founder and CEO. He made us to be the true Crown Ambassadors of health, wealth and happiness.

Today, our dream is to continue reaching, touching and changing the lives of millions of people. We will share the dreams that we have achieved in doing the DXN business. We shall also continue to impart this important message to people: Do not ever lose hope for whatever difficulties you face in life. Turn these adversities into opportunities. Then every challenge will become an opportunity.

Do you want to reach the top? Then it’s about time to do something better and believe where others doubt!

Work while others refuse.
Save while others waste.
Stay and work while others quit.
See you at the top!

Shipra and Bharat Garg 

Good Morning to all DXN Gems!!

My story of success begun when I met a stranger, Shri Raj Singh Choudhary while going in a bus in Delhi. He introduced me to the "World of Health & Wealth" by DXN Ganoderma products. Though I was a student and seeking graduation in Science, I showed less interest at that time but my interest in knowing about new things forced me to attend a meeting in Delhi conducted by Dr. R.S. Ratnam. My ambition and dreams in life always keep me switching from new things to a better option.

After attending the meeting about Ganoderma, the concept of "Health & Wealth" impressed me . I could hear the clear sound of my heart saying "This is what you are looking for!" I was so overwhelmed, that despite insufficient knowledge about the product , I decided to "do it" and it worked. Initially, there was only one person to believe in the product and he was none but myself. But today I have a team of around 36000 distributors and consumers. 

I belong to an ordinary middle class family in the sub-urban city of Bijnor in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. I was very ambitious but not good in academics. Thus, I knew I had to do something different like, starting a business yet I deemed traditional business requires a huge amount of money. Again, getting a good job without any professional qualification or academic excellence these days is difficult. With DXN, I have able to associate with Network Marketing, which is simply amazing. 

The stranger who introduced me to DXN is no less than a God's Messenger to me. My sincere thanks to Dato' Dr. Lim Siow Jin, who has laid such a strong foundation of Health & Wealth together under one name, that is DXN. With the big support of my parents, my consistent effort and impressive and effective DXN marketing plan, I became successful in short period of time. 

Day by day, my faith and trust in the business is getting stronger. I really cherish the strong association that I have built with DXN and its products, which has given a new meaning to my life. I am blessed with great uplines, like TD, Kabir Dhingra, CA and mentor Prof. Vasupaliah, Dr. Venkataramany, Sudarshan Prasad, and awesome downlines and last but not the least my introducer, Shri. Raj Singh Choudhary to whom I will remain indebted in my entire life for giving this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The help and support of devoted doctors, who are working day and night like Dr. S. Ranjan, Dr. Gopi Bajaj, and Dr. J.S. Parwana deserve much more than words of appreciation without whom it would have been impossible for me to reach at this level.


I am fortunate to be a part of this business opportunity. It is a business completely based on human relationships. Level of commitment that DXN has shown, having presence across the globe shows the strength and growth.

My sincere thanks to all my teammates who, with their tireless effort and support, made me reach this glorious position of "Crown Diamond".

My brief yet meaningful message for the new members of DXN family: 

"You need to be excited as mentioned above are not the personal success story of Shipra and Bharat Garg alone but for everyone who wants to attain the same status. The platform of DXN makes every ordinary person like me to reach extraordinary status and this extra punch comes from DXN - a system-driven success. The signature on an enrollment (application) form which I did at the time of my joining has become a respectable autograph and source of motivation to many.



Suman and R.K. Sharma 

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality”. Dato' Dr. Lim Siow Jin, CEO, DXN is truly trustworthy, and indeed helped a lot of people from their sufferings - physical, mental, financial and spiritual. The vision and dream of Dr. Lim to heal the world has come true. Desire to live long, healthy life, life without pain, quality life, have become a dream because of modern lifestyle, use of strong drugs, alcohol and tobacco, weak immune system and increased exposure to toxins and lack of time for exercise as well as stress and tension.

Since May 2002, I had a great opportunity to meet a large number of people suffering from chronic diseases, such as Asthma, Diabetes, Heart problems, Cancer, Liver problems (Hepatitis A, B, C), Kidney problems, Arthritis, Sinus, Piles and Migraine etc. These are called captive diseases, once they come, in spite of various treatments, they remain and affect quality of life. Ganoderma is an ideal product which normally works on body cells having no side effects and contain preventive results as well as anti-aging effects. “Let the food be the medicine and the medicine be the food" quoted by the father of medicine Hippocrates thousands of years ago. DXN Ganoderma has proved it to be 100% true. We are very grateful to Dr. Lim for making such wonderful herb which we consider as the "ray of hope" for terminally-ill cases.

As birth is a natural process so doing a job is a natural necessity of life. At the time of joining DXN, I never thought that it would create such wonders in my life. I have great satisfaction and pride in extending this noble opportunity to many people and believe that it will change their quality of life. It is quite a new concept which is not only effective but also very simple. We have to use DXN products and tell the goodness of the products to others. The extraordinary products of this great company have such miraculous results. The success in DXN is guaranteed because of simple marketing plan and excellent products which speak for themselves. I enjoy working in DXN. It came in my life as a Ray of Hope. We can impart and share the same way to others' lives by working in DXN. Now, to spread the message of DXN and Ganoderma to the humanity became the main objective in life.

I am heartily grateful to DXN, RG/GL, DXN staff, our business associates, stockist and specially all the leaders who have contributed a lot in our success.

3D formula of success
  1. Determination: Determine what you want to do.
  2. Dedication and Devotion: Dedicate and devote your total time and energy to DXN.
  3. Destination: If you have quality efforts then nothing is impossible.
So spend it usefully in the development of your knowledge and skill so that you can be the best. Your honest, sincere and dedicated efforts will certainly do good to you, your family, team and humanity.

So join DXN and enjoy, health, wealth and happiness.

Accountability: The battle cry for any business is performance, productivity and accountability.

Nalini Kumaraswamy and Dr. B. Kumaraswamy 

Good Morning DXN!

We recall with gratitude the day when Dr. Rathna Vasupal sponsored us into the DXN Network on 10th April 2000. The last nine years with DXN which I often regarded as great company have been very significant. It has been a steady journey passing the milestones of success and making the lives of other people healthy and wealthy without any barriers of caste, creed or nationality. The prosperity given by DXN enabled us to graduate our son Kiran from the University of Wisconsin, Madison as a Power Systems Engineer and continue as a Consultant in power generation and distribution in USA. Our daughter Gurukrupa will be graduating as a Communications Engineer this year and we plan to send her to USA for further studies.

Thanks to DXN for we could give the best possible education to our children. Our own lifestyle has dramatically changed from a tension ridden life to a more comfortable and an encouraging path to follow. The one thing we like most about DXN is : You can be a successful in DXN as what you originally are and you need not pretend to be somebody else.

We take this opportunity to thank the visionary Dato' Dr. Lim Siow Jin and all our colleagues worldwide who made this success possible and sustainable. Most importantly, the teamwork of DXN Network across the globe, which is the pride of our company. We exhort every DXN member to preserve and further this spirit of cooperation and interdependence in the years to come.

We remain in the service of DXN.

Mother Nature keeps you Healthy and Happy”. “Ganotherapy is a co-active therapy. Proper food, rest and exercise are the fundamentals of healthy living. Even Ganoderma cannot be a substitute for these. “We help people to achieve a better life of Health, Wealth and Total Freedom!”

Vaishali & Suresh Dadaji Charde 

I joined DXN after knowing from one of my friends that Ganoderma does not treat the disease but it helps our body to fight the disease. It is a mystical remedy of ancients, botanically known as Ganoderma lucidum. Through my friends, Mr. J.K.Singh and Mr.Subhash Vakil - Angel Services, I gained lot of knowledge. With their help and guidance I was able to spread the DXN message in Mumbai and today I am the first Crown Diamond of Maharashtra.

As I address for the first time after attaining this status, I acknowledge the respect, support, warmth and blessings from the tree of DXN family, management and stockists, during the different phases of my successful journey, starting from 1st Diamond of Maharashtra to the 1st Crown Diamond of Maharashtra.

I have noted only one thing “Without Architect plan, no construction can be carried out.” I have worked very hard with my team from the date of my joining and continue to do so for about 15-18 hours a day. This has helped me and all those who worked with me to grow like a big tree, which provides shelter to others and gives fruits at all times.

During the course of this journey, I have made several overseas tours, all fully sponsored by DXN. The blessings of a happy family life, good social circle, wealth and an opportunity to meet new family members---the world around---all has come because of DXN.

I also attended various seminars and training programs throughout the world which is hardly provided under the marketing plan of any other company.

In fact, before joining DXN, I was associated with different MLM companies but the success ratio was very low due to unimpressive marketing plan and inefficient management team. Despite the hundred percent rate of effort, the success rate is not evident. But in DXN, I found everything, the best quality products, dynamic and productive marketing plan, stable infrastructure and good management. I joined DXN in 2001, three years after I got married. Today I have two beautiful daughters and owned a Free Car from DXN.

To sum up SUCCESS, I would like to mention that “Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises. Your goal should be specific, realistic and measurable. Try setting a goal higher than you can reach - then reach it”

My dreams have come true after all...


Now it is the right time and right way and right action for the right decision. In other words, DXN is indeed a sure success.

Finally, allow me again to greet a "Good Morning" and my personal regard to respected Founder of DXN Dato' Dr. Lim Siow Jin, Dr. Rathna Vasupal and Prof. K.N. Vasupalaiah, Country Manager-Mr. Amarnath Sen Gupta, DXN Staff and all the distributors throughout the world, who have supported me directly or indirectly in the journey from an ordinary distributor to the prestigious title of “Crown Diamond”.

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