Friday, March 14, 2014

""" Malaysia """ DXN SUCCESS STORIES

Sim Poh Meng & Lee Gee Kow


If we want an easy life , we have to be wealthy; but in order to become wealthy, we must not take it easy

It is our hard work that brings success and a brighter future for us. As the saying goes, “Failure is the first step towards greater success.”

When we first began to be active in DXN business in the early of 2000, many of our friends did not want to follow. Their reason was that most local companies would not last long. We did not give up but continued to work hard. We achieved the Star Diamond in July 2001, Senior Star Diamond in October 2002, Triple Diamond in March 2003, Gold Diamond in August 2003 and Crown Diamond in November 2003.

Within 43 months, we achieved the status of Crown Diamond. For us, the zest and high spirit to provide services to distributors and their willingness to sacrifice had brought us the success. We are certainly happy but we will not stop here. Our aim now is to help more distributors to achieve the status of Star Diamond and above.

2Now we are able to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle. Apart from Malaysia, our network of distributors has spread to 9 other countries. Presently, we are receiving profit sharing from 24 countries. This is the strength of the DXN Business Plan. Products such as RG/GL and Spirulina are highly efficacious. Our satisfaction is that we can help others to achieve good health apart from getting good income for ourselves.

We always remind others not to give up easily. If a distributor has the determination, he or she can definitely achieve success in this DXN business. Allow us to convey our utmost gratitude to Dato’ Dr. Lim Siow Jin and Datin Leong Bee Ling for giving us the golden opportunity.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all our Diamonds and all distributors in our network, managers and staffs of DXN who have given us their strong support.

Last but not the least, let us share with you this quotation : “IF WE WANT AN EASY LIFE, WE HAVE TO BE WEALTHY; BUT IN ORDER TO BECOME WEALTHY, WE MUST NOT TAKE IT EASY.”

Yau Fui Chan & Gan Chin Lam

1I have been in nursing career for over 30 years. I have seen many premature deaths from heart disease, diabetes to cancer, which in fact can be prevented, but we could not find a solution.

I am very thankful to Gold Diamond Mr. Cheng Peng Yuen who introduced this excellent company with the range of wonderful products when I was desperate seeking for a health solution for my father who had a stroke 9 years ago. After taking ganoderma for three months, my father fully recovered from his stroke, which surprised the team of medical doctors whom had given up treatment on my father.

2When I discovered ganoderma that could help solve blood vessels related problems, I am thrilled into studying and researching more about ganoderma comprehensively. My further discovery is that DXN ganoderma is very unique!

With the beneficial health products of DXN, I started to believe that DXN is more than a direct selling company. Sharing the knowledge and gift of health on Ganotherapy to others became my passion and daily routine. I love what I am doing. I got the ultimate satisfaction when I see those I have helped could achieve the same good health. DXN indeed became a platform for me to help others in the new era of health care and health maintenance.

I keep enriching myself on the knowledge about ganoderma with the experience I have underwent and continuous hope to advance towards the throne of success.

I would like to pay my gratitude to DXN CEO Dato' Dr. Lim Siow Jin for his business philosophy ‘ONE WORLD ONE MARKET’, which offers a perfect platform for me to invade the European market. I am taking full advantage 3of this business opportunity created by DXN to secure a foothold in the global market place and became an international direct selling leader.

DXN is in my blood. I am doing DXN business with my heart and soul. With the perfect platform DXN has provided, I am enjoying the benefits and rewards I am earning in life.

DXNers, continue to grow in doing the DXN business while enjoying the harvest of love throughout our DXN career. Be determined and let success come in your life.

Chen Kow Yeon (PJM, PJK, PKT) & Lee Moy Moy


DXN business lets everyone fulfills their dreams and create beautiful lives

In the past, I have attended various training courses, and I have passionately, in high spirit, shouted “see you at the top!” many times. This crown Diamond status is the highest honour in DXN business, the honour, which I have always been motivated to achieve, the honour which I have always been looking forward to make it personal.

In May 2004, the glorious moment eventually arrived. It was the greatest breakthrough in my life I finally made it to the TOP and the Crown Diamond was mine.

Before I joined DXN, I held a senior post in a Chinese newspaper and working hard day in day out for nearly 18 years. Still, I was not able to make enough money, while my health was deteriorating. Since young, I had a dream. I wanted to be the boss. But later, I realized that I could never get rich by just holding a job. Then came a rare opportunity and I seized that opportunity and joined DXN business.

2I started consuming DXN products in June 1996, became a member in November that same year and officially joined DXN business in January 1997. After I got to know the background of the company, the products and the marketing plan, I was convinced that DXN was different from other companies and it could surely help me to fulfill my dream. With a positive attitude and my active involvement, I strove hard to make progress. Less than 3 years later, I became a business owner and I have fulfilled my dream.

DXN Business allows me to enjoy a perfect health, a stable income, a happy family, an opportunity to contribute to the society and brings satisfaction to my soul. As it is with any other business, you cannot expect smooth sailing all the time, even with DXN business. I faced many obstacles, defeats, despairs and sabotages, which other distributors likewise face. I believe this is only natural, as there is no such thing as free lunch in the world. Only those who persevere, work hard, stay focused and fear no difficulties could succeed and stay successful. As it is with many other things in life, to become a matured successful person, there is no other way but to practise, practise and lots of practise.

3After so many years, there is one experience that really touches my life and encourages me much, that is, the longer you are in DXN business, the more secure you would feel about your future. There is nothing you need to worry about. DXN business lets everyone fulfills their dreams and create beautiful lives. The largest obstacle of all is, whether you are willing to change yourself inside out, and whether you can persevere with a positive attitude and hurdle the problems that you face.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the CEO of DXN Holdings Bhd, Dato’ Dr. Lim Siow Jin, and the Managing Director, Mr. Lim Boon Yee, JP, PJK, for their care and assistance all these years so that I could have the opportunity to enjoy my very own beautiful life.

Fadzilah Zakaria & Tajudin bin Awang


Working hard with the help of uplines and the company, together with other network leaders

I originated from a small village and my family earned a living as farmers. After completing SPM, I started a small business selling newspaper, sweets and fruits. After that, I applied for a job working as a government servant and I drew a monthly salary of merely RM180. In order to earn additional income, I sold clothing and kitchen utensils on credit terms and I also collected empty bottles, used gunnies, as well as used cardboard boxes to be sold off for additional income.

I had been introduced to direct selling business before and with all the hard work for almost a year, I managed to earn an income of RM4000 a month. I owned a house and a car, which were loaned from the bank. Unfortunately, I faced a downfall in my business and no longer had the assets. With 3 children who were still in school, I decided to sell vegetables and work as a gardener to support my family.

I suffered from gout problem for 14 years followed by diabetes and sinus. I had sought medications from the hospital and also had acupuncture treatment and traditional massage but there were no improvements. In 1996, a colleague of mine introduced me to Reishi Gano (RG) and Ganocelium (GL), which he said could relieve me of my gout problem, he also persuaded me to join this business and to be a member in order to purchase the products at a lower price.

Initially I started DXN business on a part time basis, and at the same time I was learning from the successful leaders and their experiences in this business. I also participated in various trainings that the company had organised. With this, I managed to achieve the status of Star Pearl in year 1998, Gold Diamond in year 2002 and finally, Crown Diamond in year 2005.

2My achievements are based on “Working hard with the help of uplines and the company, together with other network leaders” and with the concept of “Working Together, Sharing Together and Succeeding Together”.

By consuming Reishi Gano (RG) and Ganocelium (GL) with other related products, I no longer have gout problem, diabetes and sinus. Besides, I am able to buy assets like land, house and my dream car, a Mercedes Benz while having all my old debts settled. Now, I am able to plan for overseas trips because I am financially stable. I wish to extend my gratitude to my upline, Mr. Abdul Ghani Ramli, the management, leaders and not forgetting my family who have provided me with lots of support.

Till then, - See You at The Top!

Fisal Bin Johar

1“The greatest challenge that needs to be faced in whatever situation is our very own negative attitude. When you strive to improve yourself, you will be challenged by the most influential part of yourself - YOUR ATTITUDE” an advice from CD Fisal Johar.

According to him, there is no specific recipe to be successful in DXN direct sales, having continual effort without giving up, possessing will power and fixing clear goals will ensure that you get what you want. Those who are successful in the direct sales have all started from the bottom, they have succeeded because they have all gone through the process of learning, listening and following steps that will bring them to continual success and they have the will power to change their lives to become better and happier.

“Do not sacrifice the things that are really important to you when you are defending something that is less important”

DXN Direct Sales really proves in giving a lucrative pay. If you do it diligently and able to withstand any challenges, you will definitely excel. Make early and careful plans before embarking on your effort. Always work within the limits set. Continue to learn and strive to be an compassionate listener and follow all the training activities and programmes organised by the Company and leaders. Do not doubt your own potential... Do not wait till it is perfect… Do it now… all the 4M activities and prayers are important. Do pray for others too... surely success would be yours to own. If you carry out your activities well, God will help you find you way…

2I am thankful to God for the existence of DXN Marketing, founded by Dato’ Dr. Lim Siow Jin. He has made it a career for us with lots of potential to be successful. There are the family Health Opportunity and Charitable Opportunity to help people to be healthy and free from financial problems.

Thank you Dato’ Dr. Lim Siow Jin and fellow Colleagues of DXN in the whole of Malaysia, my Sponsor CD Amran Bin Hj Tik who has introduced this wonderful DXN Business opportunity to me. And thank you, my children, Dad and Mum, Mum in- law and all family members who have been praying hard for my success. Not forgetting, all my business partners and DXN families all over the world who are directly or indirectly wishing me success.

Thank you.

Muhamad Husin bin Taib & Sanaayah bt Asmuni


Be with DXN. Once DXN, forever DXN

Before joining DXN, I was working as a bank officer for 15 years without any dream and objective in life. Since I got involved in DXN business, my life has changed and thus led me to achieve my goal to be a successful businessman. DXN business has not only elevated our health but also provided luxury and comfort for us. An incentive trip worth as much as RM7, 000 has motivated me to work hard to strive for excellence.

I have experienced many obstacles and contempt when I started my business with DXN. However to be a successful person, it is not easy because you will face all kinds of challenges. By putting in a lot of effort and having a very strong commitment to activate my dream and goals, nothing can stop me from being here today.

I used to work very closely with my downlines. I organised home parties, weekly meetings, sales trainings and product trainings from time to time. As a result, I managed to achieve the status of Star Diamond (SD) within 14 months.

2I am very proud today because I am now being recognised as a Crown Diamond. The activities that I have carried out have helped me to reach this top position, and I also look forward to help other DXN entrepreneurs as well to succeed and reach this level.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my upline who has introduced this remarkable business to me. I would also like to thank my wife, children and all my friends who have motivated and supported me all this while, who have also bear with me while I worked hard to strive for this excellence.

Be with DXN. Once DXN, forever DXN.

back to 'Success Story'

Muniandy A/L Govindasamy

1Commitment and involvement are two words that I deemed important and always keep me motivating.

After consuming DXN products – RG, GL and Morinzhi – together with the medication for four (4) consecutive months I fully recovered from my diabetic complication. I also regained my energy and restored my enthusiasm. I shared to my family members, relatives and friends the wonders of DXN products that positively brought to my health. This settled me to start and do the business in DXN way. Surprisingly, bonus increase became evident after few months of continuous effort.

Knowledge and experience are necessary to excel in DXN and fulfill my dreams. Thus, I decided to learn more through my upline SCD Mr. Lee Gee Kow and Mrs. Sim Poh Meng. Through their dedication and guidance I became committed and involved to learn and do more. I came to know more about the company profile, product knowledge, marketing plan and the system. I was very confident that I could achieve what I want.

2MLM would basically mean selling, sponsoring, servicing and meeting. They are the basic tools in order to achieve one’s goals. I get involved in all the meetings, trainings, seminars, rallies, farm visit and conventions organized by DXN. Being an upline, I share and echo to my down lines by conducting house and Stockiest meetings from time to time. I have the strong desire and positive attitude to achieve my goals.

MLM is duplication. I always keep my spirits high and strongly motivated. I want to set good examples to my down lines thus I only impart and do positive things toward them. I also personally spend my time to sit and talk to my group members who are really interested in improving their health and wealth. I will get their commitment and make them actively involve in the system and I worked with them.

MLM is teamwork. We share our ideas and work together. I conduct leaders and group meetings to update them latest information and general knowledge about DXN. Setbacks and downfalls are inevitable. However, we must not give up our perseverance to work towards our common goals. Problems make you think and improve your skills. We must remember that we do solve problems but not create one. Positive people see opportunity in every problem.

Thought + Belief + Action = SUCCESS
I want + I can + I do it = SUCCESS

Today I am enjoying a healthy life, a better house, a new car and a better education for my children. This would not be possible without DXN. Who would've thought that once a sickly and a hopeless man become a healthy and a man with full of hopes and dreams?

3I would also like to thank God, CEO of DXN Dato' Dr. Lim Siow Jin, all Staff of DXN Marketing, effective DXN products, simple marketing plan, EDC, my upline SCDs Mr. Lee Gee Kow and Mrs. Sim Poh Meng for their hard work, dedication and guidance, my sponsor ESD En. Yahaya B. Su, as well as my GSM DXN NETWORK members for their continuous support and cooperation to achieve my goals. Even though I achieve my personal goals I am still half way to Crown Ambassador in DXN, I have to dedicate and guide my group members to achieve their success.

Last but not least I thank my wife Crown Diamond Susila Narayanan and four children who have given me moral support, sacrifice, time and effort that have contributed to my success in DXN in one way or another.

See you all at the top. Thank You.

Norafinidi bin Hamzah & Norliza bt Hj Daud


We can always duplicate the knowledge gained and continue to work hard

Everyone has a dream in life and the same applies to me. I came from an average family. Looking at my schoolmates who went to school by motorbikes and cars, with good clothing and enough pocket money made me felt financially incomparable. I wished that one day I would be rich and own a big house, a luxury car and have a happy family.

2Earning a moderate income as a teacher, I knew my dreams would not be achieved. I thank God Almighty as he has opened the horizons for me to be involved in DXN business. Not forgetting my upline, the late MR. RAMLAN BIN HASHIM and all DXN entrepreneurs who have given me this wonderful opportunity and guidance all this while. My special appreciation to Dato’ Dr. Lim Siow Jin who has produced such an excellent range of products and formed a well established company. Within 2 years, I started to earn quite good income and owned a luxury car with a house that I have desired all this while. Besides that, I also have a mini garden and small fish pond with waterfall in my house to beautify the surroundings. I managed to live happily with my loving wife, and my eight children.

Here I wish to share my secret hoping that this will benefit someone. Always ask to yourself, “What will happen tomorrow, should I still remain the same?”. Do something now:
  1. Get to know all the products and conduct the "4M" activities.
  2. We must always set the objective in our mindset in order to achieve the dream we want
  3. We must always build the confidence to ensure that this dream becomes possible
  4. We must always stimulate, persuade and pressure ourselves to do all we can to ensure that our dreams come true
We can always duplicate the knowledge gained and continue to work hard. Always worship to god so that we will not give up easily when facing whatsoever obstacles. Continue your battle!… "See you at the top!"

Zalida Bt Mat Rani & Noor Ali B Ghazi Mohamad Ali

Good Morning DXN,

I worked as a government servant for 30 years and also operated my own business before joining DXN.

Direct selling business is nothing new or strange to me yet I still failed in all the direct selling companies that I had joined before. With the realization, that my dreams could not be fulfilled by working for other people, I was fortunate that on 18th Feb 2001 that one of my old friends, SSD En. Wahid Hj Suki introduced me to DXN.

Looking at DXN's superb concept, philosophy, vision, mission, marketing plan and products, it gave myself and my husband confidence to run this MLM business. DXN entrepreneurs need to be an enforcer for themselves. I strongly believe in this business concept: Learn to be Leaders, Leaders create Leaders, Leaders create Business.

Together with Kumpulan Al-Qamah, I always work hard to achieve success. I always follow the 5M Principle to serve my Distributors, especially my customers and I always share my knowledge with those who want to be successful and advise them to never ever hope that knowledge will come to them by itself. We have to go and find knowledge that can help us to achieve success.

By joining DXN, I am now free to spend. However, no matter how much I spend, I always make sure that my spending does not exceed what I earn. With DXN's income, I can afford to take my family for holidays almost every month. Working while traveling, this is called DXN's holiday, SUPERB!!! With DXN, every year I have the opportunity to travel abroad and get the chance to meet up with overseas Leaders. 

Every success has its own secret. I am always physically, mentally and spiritually ready in whatever I do. I work hard without feeling bored. I never give up no matter what hardships I might face. Most importantly, I always make it a point to learn from my mistakes.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the CEO of DXN, Dato Dr. Lim Siow Jin and his wife, Datin Leong, Kumpulan Al-Qamah, DXN's local and overseas distributors, DXN's staff and especially Gold Crown Diamond En. Lee Gee Kow and his wife, Mdm Sim Poh Meng, that have given me countless support and encouragement.

Good Health, my parents, my kids and Kumpulan Al-Qamah are our main assets.

One Hope, One Mission, One Goal in DXN.

See you at the Top!!!

Tan Chiu Im


“Let’s move forward to pursue our VICTORY”

DXN is a highly potential international business, with expansion opportunities; a business which is totally self-owned. I consider DXN direct selling as a life-long career. It has a wide market, unlimited potential and a good training scheme, indirectly helping us to achieve a positive life-style.

2Before joining DXN, I was a technician in Singapore, attending an electronic course part-time. I had to do a lot of overtime, working extremely hard for seven years until my health suffered. I experienced pain in my waist, insomnia, physical weakness, stress and pressure. All this caused my health to deteriorate. Although the medical specialist had assured me that I had no serious health problems, I felt uncomfortable and unhealthy and finally made the decision to resign due to health reasons. It was during this time, I came to realize that working for others gave me a limited income. My financial aim was just to own a house in Johor Bahru and a locally made car.

After leaving Singapore and starting a new life in Johor Bahru, working as a Trust Investment Consultant for more than a year, I got to know Mr. Yew (in July 1995), who told me that in my home town - Alor Star – DXN owns a plantation and a Lingzhi factory which uses sophisticated technology to process Lingzhi and Lingzhi Mycelium. The unique product has “low price but high quality”, which can be enjoyed by all walks of life.

3After understanding the background of the company, I became confident enough to consume DXN products, experiencing for myself the benefits. It helps to detoxify, adjust and regenerate. In 3 to 6 months it alleviated the pain in my waist and other gynaecology problems. I got myself involved in the activities and meetings and witnessed numerous testimonials and listened to many success stories. All this strengthened my belief in the marketing plan and products of DXN, therefore I made DXN direct selling as my full time career.

In 1997, I bought my dream car, a Mercedes-Benz. I had also the opportunity to travel to the USA, Canada, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Macao, Indonesia, Korea, China, Switzerland, France, Italy, England, Germany, Vietnam and many other countries. With lots of patience and hard work, I set forth my goals; eventually in July 1999, I became a Crown Diamond.

DXN business enables me to gain my health and wealth:-
  • Unlimited income
  • Fulfillment of dreams
  • Higher standard of living
I would like to thank DXN Holdings Bhd. Chairman, Dato’ Dr. Lim Siow Jin and Managing Director Mr. Lim Boon Yee (PJK., JP) for all their help and attention to date, and also a heartfelt gratitude to my sponsor and my colleagues for their support and cooperation. It is with their help that I have achieved my present success. Let us all work together towards achieving our dreams. “If only you will take one step, it is a step closer to success”. As our Chairman says, “If you think you can, you can”.

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