Friday, March 14, 2014

""" Thailand """ DXN SUCESS STORIES

Eakaphol Supachawaroj 


Good morning, all DXN members. Before joining DXN, my family and I operated a garment business in Rayong for 25 years. The economic crisis in 1998 had left me a total debt of over 10 million baht. However, at the same time, my Malaysian friend introduced DXN to me. I asked him about its reputation. He replied that DXN has very good reputation in Malaysia and the region and has its own farm and manufacturing sites. I decided to visit DXN farm in Malaysia before joining DXN business. When I saw its advance technology with ISO, GMP, and TGA standard including its effective marketing plan, I immediately started DXN business with my first investment of 740 baht for a life-time membership.

During that period, with the health concern trend, I could build up my network and be promoted to SR within a month with a commission income of 50,000 baht/month. My commissions for the second and third months were increased to 80,000 baht and 100,000 baht respectively. I was the first member in Thailand who was promoted to SD within 6 months with an income over 300,000 baht. I planned to clear off my debt of 10 million baht within 3 years and I finally did it.

Many people tried to recruit me to other businesses but I declined. My concept of working is to consider a company in term of its stability, marketing plan, the quality of the products and their reasonable prices There is an answer for every question in DXN. My success is not an accident but due to my persistence. To introduce a business to anyone is not only to get a contact and some orders. Many times. we may be rejected, but we must not be discouraged. Such rejections should be used to reflect what is wrong with our performance and what should we improve on.

My objective in this DXN business is to lead everyone to success.

Mr Thanathat and Thussanee Sonthiwong (Crown Diamond) 

Good Morning all DXN members.
I have become successful today because of all the hard work I have done; with a strong desire to succeed and devoting myself to DXN. Before coming to know the DXN Company, I had joined many other MLM Companies before 1992 but I stopped doing business with them after that. In 2001, I studied about the DXN Company and started working full time doing DXN business. Now, I am proud to be a part of the company. Thank you, Dato´ Dr. Lim Siow Jin who has given us the opportunity to be healthy while doing a lucrative business, which makes DXN unique and distinctive from other MLM Companies.
My first impression of DXN was its products. All of you can see the difference and benefits after using the products. Furthermore, word of mouth from people also shows us how good DXN products are for us.
Second impression is the marketing plan or income that we all receive. It is to encourage us to do business with DXN seriously. It can be our main business and success, but you need to do it constantly.
My Principle of work is "Industrious - Save - Honest - Patience" and using the technique of 1M +3 S which is (Meeting + Using Products, Advice and Services). I have been using this technique throughout my business and it has proven to be 100% successful, earning myself the position of CD at DXN today.
My family and I have been doing DXN business for the past several years and will continue to do so in the future.
DXN has given me many things, for example, Travelling Rewards, Bonus from worldwide market share, Success, Freedom of wealth, time and health and you all can have these too; "Make everyday worth it".

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