Friday, March 14, 2014


Jenny Joe 

Let us achieve success together and see you at the top

Health is wealth. I am proud as I am able to help myself, my family members and my dear friends to attain great wealth and excellent health.

I operated a garment factory and enjoyed a good income. However, I had to work extremely hard and consequently my health deteriorated significantly. At this time, my friend introduced DXN products to me. I grew to like them and was attached to the Reishi products. My health had obviously improved after I took them.

The encouragement of my friends and their acceptance of DXN products, in addition to my perseverance, have enabled me to actively pursue my success. Having confidence in DXN and its products, I always shared my knowledge on health issues and my life experience with my fellow friends, so that they too, would be aspired to achieve excellence in their own lives. My friends in turn supported and trusted me so much so that I was highly motivated to proceed with what I believed in. My family has always been my top priority. I always ensure that I take care of their needs and spend quality time with them. I can afford to be selective in my client base and I usually communicate well with my clients before meeting them. Due to the flexibility of my business, I am able to do my work wherever I go. I invariably mention the benefit of DXN products to whoever I meet. I hold my career in high esteem as I am driven to help myself and others attain health and wealth. My attainment of the Crown Diamond status today is neither due to my eloquence nor my sales technique. Instead, I ascribe it to my willingness to share with others about health issues and the efficacious DXN products. I dare to dream that the excellent DXN products will be accessible to everyone universally. The career in DXN can help any ordinary person achieves extraordinary success—my achievement is one of the testimonies. Lastly, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the founder of DXN, Dato’ Dr. Lim Siow Jin, for opening up such great opportunities for us to gain good health and wealth. Besides that, I would also like to thank my fellow friends who have given me full support all the way. Let us achieve success together and see you at the top!

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